Albufeira Radiology



Magnetic Resonance has become, for many pathologies, the exam with the greatest diagnostic capacity. This is because it uses a very complex technology with radio frequency waves in a strong magnetic field.

CT - Computed Tomography

CT or CAT (Computerized Axial Tomography) is an exam that uses equipment with X-rays. A “volume” acquisition is performed and the images are then processed, in several planes and in 3D, to obtain the diagnosis.


Ultrasound is a fundamental element for the study of various pathologies. It allows the detection of focal or diffuse lesions in organs such as the liver, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, prostate, breast and thyroid. It plays a key role in gynecological assessment.

Breast imaging

Mammography is the best imaging method for diagnosing breast lesions. It is recommended as a routine examination and screening in all women over 40 years of age, or earlier if risk factors are present.

Digital Radiology

Radiography is the best-known and oldest medical imaging method. It is an extremely useful and irreplaceable method for some diseases and also a simple and effective screening method to rule out pathologies.


Breast imaging

Digital Orthopantomography allows the study of the upper jaw and mandible.

Frontal and profile cephalometry are fundamental for orthodontic studies – placement of dental appliances. Dental Scan is a CT study to evaluate the jaws, especially for dental implants.

Bone Densitometry

A Densitometria Óssea é uma técnica que permite determinar a densidade mineral óssea, sendo utilizada no diagnóstico da Osteoporose.

A Osteoporose é a perda anormal da massa óssea. O interior do osso possui poros que aumentam com a doença, tornando-o menos resistente, o que favorece a ocorrência de fraturas, até mesmo espontâneas. As regiões mais afetadas são: anca, coluna e punho.